I LOVE this time of year, the snow is melting, the sun is shining, and you can feel winter giving us a Minnesota good-bye.
The weekend started off great, we went to Angela and Landon's house for dinner. They just bought their house a few months ago so it was great to finally see it. It is brand spanking new and Angela has a gift I highly admire of decorating and laying out a house to make it feel like a home. Plus she also has another gift I REALLY admire and that is she is an amazing cook, I felt a little sheepish with my chips and dip from Byerly's I had bought to bring as the appetizer:) Dinner was amazing, got my butt kicked in Wits-and-Wagers, and then got to have brownies and ice cream for dessert, my favorite!!
We didn't get home till late so Ty and I decided to not set alarms and just let ourselves sleep in. It was wonderful sleeping until my eyes decided to open which was around 9:30! I knew I was getting up early the next morning so I didn't really feel guilty. Tyson made a huge breakfast and as we were eating we could see it was going to be a beautiful day out, so I was determined to find as many things to do outside. First we took a walk which was hilarious because it seemed people were coming out of there houses for the very first time. It was great to see people out and about, and fun to explore our neighborhood. Tyson needed to get a few things done inside so I shoveled our deck with a t-shirt on, it was amazing! Then I talked Tyson into peppering (play volleyball) in our driveway. It was fun to see all the people walking too! One couple was hilarious as they were walking by they said "great day to play driveway volleyball" and we laughed and said something similar and they looked at our neighbors across the street who STILL have all their Christmas decorations up (choir, manger scene, snowmen etc) and said "this is great, you even have an audience to watch!" Ty and I thought it was hilarious!
Carissa came over that night for a sleepover since we had to be at the gym around 7 for the indoor tri, so we just watched a movie, caught up and then got to bed.
The next morning we ate our usual breakfast and were out the door for the indoor tri. We were both a little hesitant to sign up since we hadn't been fully training for it. But we both agreed it had been too long since we had done a race or an event so there we were...I know it's only an indoor tri but I was still a little nervous, Carissa always gives the pep talk that we are just going to have fun, no need to race etc. But the truth is that we are both way to competitive to stick with it. I still have flashbacks to races/workouts that Carissa has said were "just for fun" ending with me not feeling my legs, lungs burning, and feeling like I'm going to puke any second. So I had to stop her and let her know I wasn't believing it!
I realized yesterday why I get so nervous for races. It's not so much the race itself but about the pain I'm going to endure. It makes sense because when I got my ears pierces, blood drawn etc I get as nervous as starting a marathon because I hate wondering how bad it's going to hurt and then when it does hurt you have to stick with it.
So the swim is 10 minutes of swimming seeing how many laps you can get. I started out way to fast and didn't breath enough so ended up with 12 laps and a huge migraine!
We got ourselves dressed for the 30 minute bike and made our way to the spin room, 10 minutes in my migraine was gone but my butt hurt soo bad, my dad told me to double up on the biking shorts but couldn't stomach looking like I had a pillow stuffed in my shorts while competing. Carissa and I were able to talk the entire time making it go by super fast. We both improved by over 2 miles so we were in good spirits heading to the treadmills for a 20 minute run. We both had gotten 2.7 miles a couple years ago so would be happy with that or better. My legs felt pretty good so I started a little faster then I expected to and was able to hold to it. I had brought my shuffle to listen to music so I found my favorite song "super girl" and then started to run hard. I finished with 2.91 miles in 20 minutes so I was happy.
Carissa and I both agreed that it had been a great morning and happy we signed up for it. However the best part of the morning hadn't happened yet, Original Pancake House. We showered up and then enjoyed some great pancakes while catching up. It was a great morning.
The rest of the day was uneventful, went for another walk, read, and watched movies with T-dog.
This morning I got a nice little email from Carissa saying that I had gotten 1st for women in the triathlon and 4th overall, Carissa got 2nd for women. We are pleased with ourselves and I'm going to enjoy my first and possibly last time getting 1st place...hopefully not:)
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