I am loving having my bike trainer set up downstairs, this morning I rolled out of bed and 5 minutes later I am biking. I also need to get a 30 minute run in so I was going to run outside this morning. After training for Boston and running while being so cold I have NO desire to run outside until I am wearing shorts. However, I really didn't want to go to the gym and thought it might be good for me to get back out there. My hour bike ride went fast because I had taped Jason and Molly's wedding, so that was fun to watch:) Then I headed out for a 30 minute jog around the neighborhood. About 20 seconds into it I realized how much I missed running outside, the fresh air on my face and in my lungs, no crazy people blowing there nose right next to you, no TV or music, just me and the road. I love the way running outside by myself helps me clear my head, or reflect on what is running through my head. Some days I feel like ticking time bomb until I get out running and everything comes back together and I have get my rationale back.
It was so fun to explore the neighborhood and since I have no sense of direction the plan was to go out 15 minutes and come back the exact way. I got cocky. I totally thought I new where I was so I just kept going until I hit a busy road, I tried to just use some common sense as to which way I should go and then kept running. I am proud of myself because my senses were correct on direction but not distance. I ended up sprinting through my neighborhood like a maniac, the kids waiting at the end of their driveways probably thought the boogie monster was running in their neighborhood. I did get out "another great day for school" so maybe that's why they were looking at me weird:)
I didn't' have much time to stretch afterwards which is too bad because I'm pretty sore from Sunday. But overall my body if feeling pretty good once it gets warmed up. I started taking prenatal vitamins, not because I'm pregnant but I thought it would be good for me since I'm probably depleting my body and with being sick so much I thought it would be a wise investment. I was also hoping to get some glowing skin, thick hair, and beautiful nails. But hasn't happened, maybe that comes from actually being pregnant?
On my way to work I always talk to my sister Stef but today Will (her youngest son who is almost 2, whose picture is above) decided he had a lot to discuss with me. So the entire way to work he discussed things that sounded to me very important, I would say "do you love apple juice" and he would go on and on and on...I could listen to him all day!
I don't know if it's my morning run outside, prenatal vitamins or my deep conversation with my nephew Will but my day has started out on the right foot and I plan on keeping it that way...
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