Went home this weekend to celebrate fathers day with the whole clan, my dad and I planned to go for a long bike ride and then go to our favorite spot for breakfast. The morning was going pretty good despite biking into the wind for 20 miles we were pretty much wrapped up in our conversation and we made it to Evansville before we knew it. We were at 18 miles and my dad made a comment that he would like to get 40 in so we kept going and when we hit 20 miles and started to turn around so did the entire morning...
As I was about to turn around I heard my dads bike crash to the pavement and looked back to see my dad do a complete barrel roll across the pavement. At first I started to giggle because I didn’t know what else to do and told him “that was an amazing barrel roll!” I saw him do something to his hand and he said “I broke my finger, but I think I just reset it.” He held up his hand and his middle finger was still crooked and his ring finger was bleeding pretty bad. Two seconds later my dad was on the ground pouring water on himself trying not to pass out. At this point I started to freak out and started bawling and he had to tell me to pull it together and call mom. I was panicking so much that it took me 5 minutes to call her number. I knew my dad was in a ton of pain because when my mom suggested she pick up the suburban that has the carrier for both our bikes my dad told her to come straight to Evansville and said she might even have to drive on the bike path to get him. Right before he crashed he had told me his heart rate was at 160, when I looked at his watch after the crash it was down to 60 so I knew he could pass out anytime. He wanted to get back to Evansville so my mom wouldn’t have to drive on the bike path so he pedaled a little ways and got dizzy and had to get off a couple times. At one point when we moving at a snails pace back to Evansville I looked at him and said “happy fathers day” he started laughing pretty hard and then I knew he was going to be fine. We made it to Evansville in perfect time as my mom was just pulling up, we got his bike thrown in the truck and they took off. My dad had to get his finger reset again and the nurse thought it was too much adrenaline and the shock that was making him so sick, he was already feeling 100% minus the finger when I picked him up from the doctor so we decided to go get some breakfast. We were so hungry we practically ordered the entire menu and rehashed the scene a million times, by this time it was so funny we could barely talk. We both agreed it was a fathers day we would never forget...
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