This week was all about going out of my comfort zone and doing a few things I've thought of doing for a while now but just couldn't get the oomph to do it!
Carissa (my marathon partner) decided she was going to do her first triathlon this summer, so we were going to meet up Tuesday night for a brick workout, an hour of biking followed by a 3 mile run...the weather has been so unpredictable so we thought we would hit up a spin class and run on the treadmills but much to our surprise we got some gorgeous weather and didn't want to waste it being indoors. I have been wanting to try the bike path from Wayzata to St. Bonifacius for a while now but with my sense of direction (lack of) I didn't want to try it on my own. Carissa is a human Garmin so I thought it would be the perfect time to go and find it.
I loaded our bikes on the bike rack which I put on entirely by myself (for the first time) I sort of impressed myself with but couldn't take my eyes off the bikes the entire way there I thought for sure it was not going to end well! Of course I got us lost but Carissa put us back on track and we were able to find it and park no problem. The path was great and it was so much fun to catch up with Carissa, we were definitely a pair out there, I'm sure people were wondering who the two yahoos in the neon tanks were! Neither of us are comfortable on bikes so it was sort of hard for us to even look at each other. Taking one hand off the handle bars meant veering in that direction and I of course had to show Carissa how I have a near wipeout every time I bike...for real. We finished the night with a 3 mile run and got cleaned up and went to Cowboy Jacks for Tuesday night Fajita Night, my FAVORITE!! Overall a great night, put on the bike rack by myself, bikes didn't fall off, found the bike path, and didn't actually totally wipeout...
I'm really going to get serious about the food I buy and learning how to cook. So Thursday I researched a recipe I could make and headed to Fresh and Natural on the way home. I about had a melt down when I walked in and saw my asparagus I wanted was 10$ but kept an open mind, took my time walking through the aisles and found that I could buy my dinner supplies and not have it be totally outrageous! I ran into one obstacle, the recipe called for ginger root, I didn't even know where to begin to look, I got side tracked by the chocolate covered raisins (YUM) for a while and then decided I should ask, she pointed it out to me and I about panicked, did I need to buy the entire root? How do you cook with it? I don't get it??!! I asked the lady if I had to buy the entire thing when my recipe only called for 2 inches (I should have known when it called for 2 inches dangit) and she said that was exactly what I did. So I broke off a couple inches, bagged her up and went to the check out. I got home poured myself a nice glass of wine and told myself to take a deep breath before I started. I made Mahi Mahi with a Lime/Soy/Ginger marinade, red potatoes and green beans with almonds. I must say that other then a couple burnt fingers it all turned out and was probably the best dinner I've made for Tyson in our 4 years of marriage. I was really proud of myself for completing the task but also I made a few mistakes during the process and instead of throwing it all away and calling Pizza Hut I just figured out how to deal with it (ie fish exploding, shaving the ginger root??, putting plastic in the oven!) and thought it my head, well now you know better for next time.:)
This morning Ty and I both got up early to get a workout in and I got back to the house earlier then expected so I made oatmeal on the stove and mixed in peanut butter. Tyson couldn't believe it, cooking twice in one week, let alone 2 days...I could tell he was impressed:)
Looking forward to next week and teaching this ol' dog some more new tricks!
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