Finishing Lifetime Tri

4th of July Gilligan's Island
Hayride with a 10 yr old driving
Cattle Pull
Summer is the best, I just wish there was a way to speed up the winter and slow down the summer!4th of July weekend was a blast, Saturday we went to the family farm in Henning, MN for the family reunion where I got to learn all the ins and outs of farming. People kept asking me if I was an animal rights activist because I was like “umm I don’t think I like that you dehorn the bull, umm I don’t think you should deball the bull, umm should you really be doing a cattle pull, the calf doesn’t seem very happy etc etc”. There are so many things about a farm I can’t believe it took 26 years to find out! After a long day of activities and catching up with the family Ty and I headed back to Alex for the Sahli Storm, some family friends have a huge party with fireworks on steroids so we wanted to get back in time for the fireworks! Stef and Dustin got a babysitter so it was fun to be out and about with the family and not worrying about little kiddo’s for a night.
Sunday I got up bright and early to get my banners made for the boat parade and make sure everything was good to go. We had the theme song from Gilligan's Island playing in the boat and we were rocking out until a couple boats started throwing water balloons and Tyson took one to the back of the head and Maggie one to the hip. Despite the battle wounds we had a great time and it was a fun start to the day. When we got back the weather got all gross and I was feeling like I should really get a long workout in so took off by myself and biked 50 miles and then ran for a few miles. My back got so sore I had to get off a couple times and stretch. Other then my back hurting everything felt find except for some serious chaffing from the bike shorts. I think I need to figure something out before the big day because it was UNCOMFORTABLE. The rest of the day we sat by the lake eating good friend and catching up with friends. The best part was that I didn’t have to go back to the cities!! However the next morning my dad and I went for a bike ride and I had to ask to turn around only a few miles in as I felt like I was ripping my flesh. Not good...hmmmmm
Last week I tried to cut back on training to get ready for lifetime and I was getting really excited for it! Friday night my parents and I had dinner at Northcoast in downtown Wayzata and we enjoyed a great dinner on the patio and then walked around a bit. That night I had a heck of a time falling asleep, when I finally did and then woke up in the middle of the night I could barely swallow and felt sick to my stomach. What?? I tried not to panic so I went and ate a piece of bread, gargled salt water and hoped for it to be gone in the morning. It wasn’t, instead I had a sore throat and aching body and the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed at the butt crack of dawn and go exercise. I had to tell myself like I do anytime I’m in pain that there are people who would love to get to exercise sick so I bucked up and headed out.
I think it was sort of a plus that I wasn’t feeling all that well because I wasn’t nervous at all. Tyson dropped me off and I headed to transition while he got his long run in. Usually I hate milling around transition by myself it makes me super anxious but I was just in that slightly miserable stage where you just don’t care. Tyson promised me he would find me before I took off but when it was about 15 minutes to go time I started panicking if he was ok etc and then I see him coming down the stairs with my parents. It was great to see everyone for a second before I left...I just kind of took off and went through the motions. It was a beautiful morning and I felt great on my swim and did a great job sticking to the buoys, one guy was swimming backstroke and I didn’t see him and ended up getting a handful of something crazy!
The bike went by pretty fast, I knew I wasn’t going as fast as I wanted but the course had a lot of sharp turns and bumps so I just tried to keep an ok pace. Tyson’s parents, my parents, and my sister and boyfriend Stu came out so it was fun to see them!
The run went pretty good, at first I felt great and thought I was holding a super fast pace but by mile 2 I was just hot and sick of it. I didn’t make myself uncomfortable instead I just relaxed and managed an ok pace.
I ended up 5th in my age group and 40th for women, I think I get frustrated with myself because if I just shaved off a minute here and a minute there you wonder but whatever I had a fun morning and got to chow down on some amazing Old Chicago pizza afterwards and it made the world right again:) Tyson and I went home and napped all afternoon, it was great! It was our first weekend home since the beginning of May so it was such a great feeling to just relax in your own home. We watched a movie and went back to sleep, pretty crazy!
Sunday I woke up feeling worse so I rested Sunday and Monday but figured I should get myself going again. Carissa and I had a date for Tuesday so I asked if we could test out running and see how I feel. I think I get so wrapped up in talking with her I forget about it, so we ended up going about 6.5 miles with a few farmer blows along the way. We then went to Panino’s and my gosh it was delicious.
Today is Friday and I think I’m on the upswing. I’m still blowing chunks but hopefully that will subside soon as the farmer blows during a race isn’t the greatest thing. I got my long workout done this morning and ready for a wonderful weekend of resting, eating, and laughing with my sisters and Will.
Stef and Will are staying with me this weekend while Dustin and Brett go to Chicago. This morning I got a text from Stef saying she came upstairs to Will trying to sit on a chair. Love him!!